So instead of an informational article, I wanted to share a personal experience that took place a couple of weeks ago. Every other Saturday is our grocery shopping day. I typically go by myself instead of trying to juggle four children and keep my sanity. Unfortunately, I was battling a neck issue and was unable to drive safely, so my husband and the four kiddos had to chauffeur me on the outing (but they all hung out in the vehicle together while I shopped). I have quite the list to accomplish before my grandmother's surprise 80th birthday party at 11:00 am. I have to go grocery shopping, bake a gluten-free cake, and make it to the party (hopefully on time). I was already a little irritated for the late start, trying to get four children and your husband out the door can be a challenge. We get home by 9:50 am, I get inside and immediately start on the cakes (these were not a box mix but from scratch). Nathan and the two oldest kids haul in the groceries. I get the cake ingredients in the oven and start getting the icing put together. The two lemon pound cakes get done, I pull them out, and at this point, it is about 10:35 am. I have to get these two hot cakes cooled, staked, iced, and prepared for transportation. Let me remind you that putting the icing on partially cooled cakes will not allow you to win on Top Chef. We are loaded up and heading to my parents' house at 11:02 am (they live about 5 minutes away). Here I am I can't turn my neck, the butter is separating from the icing on my cake, we are late, and I am imagining the looks and thoughts that are going to surround this cake. The brighter side to this story is the cakes were honestly just for our immediate family (my husband, me, and our four children), to make us feel included in the festivities. Of course, anyone that wanted to have some they were more than welcome to, but my side of the family isn't gluten-free, and they had gotten a regular bakery cake from somewhere else. I am often trying to get my family to take nutrition more seriously, so when I make items I want them to look appealing and something they are willing to try. Needless to say, we are the only ones that ate the cake, and I can't say that I blame them if they were only going for outward appearance, but man it tasted SOOOO GOOD. Why do I share this experience with you? We often have this additional pressure to prepare and bring our food to feel included or not to offend others. Unfortunately, others don't understand that this way of eating isn't a choice, but indeed survival. Even if I had the option to be able to eat whatever I wanted again, I wouldn't want to go back. I have learned more about nutrition by being forced to eat this way; then I probably would have ever taken upon myself. That is why I try so hard to educate others about the importance of nutrition and the effects it has on our bodies. I want you to know the struggle is real. Initially, I was upset with the appearance of my cake, but my husband brought to light that it is actually a blessing in disguise. He made me laugh when he was happy it looked that way because it means we would have more to take home and eat ourselves. I guess there are benefits to crappy looking food. No matter what don't get discouraged, do what you have to do for your health, don't compromise to not to offend others, and know that you are not alone in the struggle. Also, don't judge a book by its cover because that cake was truly the bomb! Below you will find a picture of the final product. No matter how many years of experience, things can still not turn out as you had imagined...stay the course and don't give up! :)
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Hello, my name is Rachel. I am a wife, mother of four beautiful children, and a registered nurse. I have a passion for educating people on nutrition. I strive to "Put life back into your lifestyle," by connecting you to the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding gluten-free living and other topics on nutrition. Check out my blog, website, and feel free to drop me a line! Archives
April 2019
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